Can you believe the good guy actually gets the pretty girl in an old movie for once? What a novel concept!
Just once i would like to see one where the innocent, doe eyed girl tells the good guy to hit the bricks in the last shot, but I liked this one even if the good guy got the nice girl as carved into movie stone.
Why don't those type really exist in real life?
favoritefavoritefavorite -
October 30, 2006 Subject:
Pretty good
I think this must be a pretty good movie.
It seemed pretty well made.
But it just didn't keep my attention.
favoritefavoritefavorite -
March 19, 2005 Subject:
A "Palookaesque" Boxing Movie
Back to the days of Joe Palooka and Curley Kayo.This film is straight out of the funny papers. Eddie Nugent is the just paroled boxer out to go straight. Joan Barclay is the love-lorn girl unappreciated by Mr.Nugent. Syd Saylor is the comedic but street-wise trainer. Lucille Lund is the scheming bitch with greedy and lusty ways.(Mostly off camera, implied but not shown) Forrest Taylor, Monte Blue, and other old pros are tossed in for good measure, stirred around and poured out in a nice little blend of sports and mystery, and a shaggy dog story in more ways than one make this a nice little picture. Albeit dated, but entertaining. Good print quality and sound too.